Free winners and keeping the touts honest thread...exposing the touts

Feb 20, 2002
StreetSmart2019 threads:


"Streets Sunday Funday card!"

Streetsmart2019: 1-4-1, -13.25 units at above url.

"2021 baseball totals: (Totals System)"

MLB forum:
"This site has gone........"

Tout forum:

"All Totals system consistent winners":
"Not going to sugar coat anything, baseball the last month has been really shaky."
How much? Records? 0-6 thread, free winners thread, etc:

Streetsmart2019: 0-6, -27.40 units:
Feb 4, 2019
lol you are a tool. It's all about what have you done for me lately, my best bets are 26-17 +32.75*. You are a cancer to this site. People would much rather follow a capper who is hot rather than your long term free cappers lol. Man you are obsessed with me,lol.
Feb 20, 2002
lol you are a tool. It's all about what have you done for me lately, my best bets are 26-17 +32.75*. You are a cancer to this site. People would much rather follow a capper who is hot rather than your long term free cappers lol. Man you are obsessed with me,lol.

That's some of the dumbest shit i've ever read. But it does put you firmly in the "tout" world and scumbag "tout" way of thinking.

1) First of all, millions of people who bet a lot get "hot" and "cold" streaks. Does that mean they are worth following as soon as they get "hot"? Obviously not! Following them when they are "hot" would lead you to the poor house! BTW over 95% of those people are life long losers.

2) Secondly, therefore, what some ignorant uninformed clueless people "would much rather" do, as per your quote above, and the lousy advice it contains, is irrelevant. Did you actually think that the stupid ideas of such stupid people should be followed? Who am i going to follow, a random person who is hot & there's a 95% chance he's a lifelong loser? Or someone who has a long historical record of being a proven winner? It's a no brainer.

3) Thirdly, how do you define when a person is "hot" or "cold". At exactly what point do they become "hot"? Do you even know?

4) Where have you ever tested the theory of following someone who is "hot" to see if it is profitable? Nowhere! And it doesn't work! Unless going to the poor house is considered a success. LOL.

5) Fifthly, do you advise your clients to up their wager amounts when you get to this undefined point of being "hot"? If not, why not? And do you advise them to stop betting on your picks, or lower their wager amounts, when you are "cold"? If not, why not?

6) What often happens with people jumping on the bandwagon of someone they consider "hot" is the person suddenly goes "ice cold". Consider your own recent picks history which you recently described here on therx as a roller coaster ride!
Feb 20, 2002
"LJP Score Alert

Fritz -1.5 (-104) over Opelka (Games Handicap) achieves an LJP 1U

Secondary Angle

League: ATP Atlanta @ 1:30pm ET"


LJP ScoreWinLossWin Pct.Units +/-
UP MOVES97377055.8%146.7
OPEN MOVES20815058.1%49.4
DOWN MOVES (FADES)22428444.1%-84.9


Info FYI & consideration.

Fade or follow or neither. Your choice, your responsibility. BOL.
Feb 20, 2002
If you are going to tout long time winning cappers you should note Heim is 77-77-1 +11.89* since 2021. Read that at your other posting site!

LOL. Similar info to that alleged & unofficial record was already posted by me in my post #417 in this thread and in many of my other posts as well.

You should pay more attention to your own shoddy record keeping.

Additionally, the H record is based on a daily best bet thread that limits wagers to just one unit per pick. But without that restriction H could artificially, superficially, pad his units amount like you do (with all your picks in a recent thread) by calling all picks 5 unit bets. That would make the H +11.89 units into +59.45 units. Someone else could call all his picks 10 or 20 or 50 unit bets and artificially pad his unit amounts won even more. And there are people who do that. Moreover people could bet as much, or much much more, on a H one unit pick than a 3, 4 or 5 unit pick from you. Because, for example, they have much more confidence in it being a winner, or, that - unlike you - they consider H to be long term proven winner. As, unlike you, the public record of his picks proves.

Feb 20, 2002
If you are going to tout long time winning cappers you should note Heim is 77-77-1 +11.89* since 2021. Read that at your other posting site!

LOL. Similar info to that alleged & unofficial record was already posted by me in my post #417 in this thread and in many of my other posts as well.

You should pay more attention to your own shoddy record keeping.

Additionally, the H record is based on a daily best bet thread that limits wagers to just one unit per pick. But without that restriction H could artificially, superficially, pad his units amount like you do (with all your picks in a recent thread) by calling all picks 5 unit bets. That would make the H +11.89 units into +59.45 units. Someone else could call all his picks 10 or 20 or 50 unit bets and artificially pad his unit amounts won even more. And there are people who do that. Moreover people could bet as much, or much much more, on a H one unit pick than a 3, 4 or 5 unit pick from you. Because, for example, they have much more confidence in it being a winner, or, that - unlike you - they consider H to be long term proven winner. As, unlike you, the public record of his picks proves.

One thing I don't do moron is pad any #'s.

From that remark i doubt you even understood what my comment was saying re you superficially padding your units, which is exactly what you do. And someone with your track record in our previous discussions, as at the following threads, shouldn't be calling anyone else a moron:

Do you ever get tired of being ass raped.

You need to promote with true records.

No, i already do that, but that's what you need to start doing, in a verifiable public forum, and post your plays publicly within minutes of games starting so they can be verified. And keep an ongoing record like what i do in my posts here, for example this one:

Not promoting streaks.

LOL. That's exactly what you do & i don't do. I provide both long term, medium term and short term records. The whole enchilada. What do you do besides fail.

Remember it's all about long term with your stats.

Wrong again, as usual, but long term proven winning records are the most important. Unfortunately for you, you fail there also.
Feb 20, 2002
If you can't win at betting selling your info is an easy way to make money. promote short term records and label games as "big games" or sometime of marketing showing that this play is much bigger than normal.

bettors LOVE big plays. the idea that they can bet bigger than normal and make money without doing any work but listening to someone say "play Texas -14 they are going to win by 30".

Food for thought?

Feb 20, 2002
LJP ScoreWinLossWin Pct.Units +/-
UP MOVES98077855.7%145.8
OPEN MOVES20815058.1%49.4
DOWN MOVES (FADES)22428444.1%-84.9
Feb 20, 2002
In this business it's only what have you've done for me lately... (snip)... Yes, I have given out many losers too, heck I had a bad 5 week run. But the key is to follow the hot cappers and there are many here at the Rx. Long term winners, sure they are needed BUT it's all about who's hot NOW!

Still spouting the same idiotic comments that i addressed in post 4 above.
Feb 20, 2002
"Shitty weekends happen, nothing we can do about them. TSP Live content is up 143 units since it launched in April 2020. In the process of that journey there have been some really shitty weekends…sometimes even back to back to back shitty weekends for content. However, despite those multi-week cold runs, paid content is up 143 units over the course of the past 17 months. It works out to an average of +8.5 units per month. Not bad at all, but in the process of achieving that performance…3 of those 17 months were losers, and two of them were back to back losing months. Just a reminder to not sweat the short term. Variance (luck…good & bad) rules the short term (days, weeks, even months). The long term (multiple months, a season or the year) is what smooths the variance and provides the profits. It’s the mental fortitude to accept and weather the cold runs that differentiates a sharp bettor from the average bettor."

[FONT=&quot]My strategy below lost 3.2 units on Sunday. For the month of August, as a whole, my strategy laid out below (added algorithms on 8/11) has lost 3.6 units. When you expand out to July 1st, my strategy below is up over 11 units…further making my point above that you can’t sweat the short term. The longer you move out your assessment of TSP content (free & paid), the less variance (bad luck…like that CWS/NYY ending on Saturday) comes into play and the greater the power of the +EV (positive expected value) of the content."[/FONT]
Feb 20, 2002
If people make enough picks, or flip enough coins, they're bound to have some streaks (hot and cold) sooner or later. It doesn't mean they're long term winners, good cappers, successful gamblers or know much more than very little about sports. Someone who knows nothing about sports and flips coins to choose their picks will also have such winning streaks if they make enough picks. The vast majority of people having streaks such as in the OP are not good at betting on sports and are long term losers.

Have you seen Streets pony picks? You may take back above comment

Nah, i'm not taking back anything & you've given me no absolutely nothing that would convince me to do so.

As for Pony picks, people get lucky and win with those every day. So what? That doesn't mean they have any skill at making such bets. Neither does it mean they are long term winners with long term winning records in the sport. Ditto re StreetSmart2019. Where are his long term Pony pick records in the public domain? Nowhere!

And speaking of race picks, have you seen this (which was absolutely free):



Oct 29, 2011
TSP changes and massages his methods daily.

Follow this, no Fade this.
Feb 20, 2002
The following convo is from this thread:

If you're going to post about me in a fucking hole moron, understand my players are out of that hole big time as long as they stayed a true follower.

Good for your players, if true, though i have no way of verifying that. Many scumbag touts make similar claims falsely.

Still, the question remains, are you a long term proven winner. I've seen no evidence of that. Anyone can win in the short run, as this thread proves. That's a key point for the existence of this thread & why i created it in the first place.

You pick and choose

I remind people of the losses that touts like you purposely leave out. IOW the touts "pick and choose".

you are a cancer to this site

Many obviously disagree with that sentiment.

you are a cancer to this site as a paid poster.

"paid poster" LOL. You are clueless & wrong. What else isn't new.

Where was your 38-0 thread at EOG ,lol, how did that work out for you.

It's working out just fine. The thread is serving it's purposes, which was never to post winners, but as i stated above (& i quote myself):

"Still, the question remains, are you a long term proven winner. I've seen no evidence of that. Anyone can win in the short run, as this thread proves. That's a key point for the existence of this thread & why i created it in the first place."

Any idiot, donkey, or octopus can win in the short run. That doesn't make his picks worth paying for. That doesn't make him a long term proven winner or good capper.

I am only posting here because you had to post past threads about me. ASSWIPE in this business it's all about what have you done for me lately

I've already addressed very similar remarks by you here:

and well 12-1 is very good. Coin flipping lol lets see you flip a coin and win 12/13!

Of course i could flip a coin many times & easily get 12 out of 13 heads. I expect i could do it by the end of the day. Shall i make a video of it for you as proof, lol.

Attention whore oh well you win, I'll leave but just so you, you do nothing for this place.

Keep telling yourself that. LOL.

Maybe look in the mirror while you do. LOL.

OK mods I guess I deserve the heave-ho.

Mods? What mods do you think you're talking to? Are you schizophrenic.

My 2000 views on a Monday and Tuesday well good luck finding them elsewhere. I was just trying to help the smaller players who can't afford a paid tout but want winners. Instead of emailing hundreds I post in the baseball forum for them to see.

Wow. Egomaniac. Yeah you're just one of many here trying to help others win. And if you're gone again for months after your present short lived pre NFL advertising campaign to lure in more naive folks to pay for picks when free winners abound all over the Rx, many will still be here providing free winners to all after you're gone & history.
Feb 4, 2019
lol keep these threads coming buddy, Curious people are asking for pricing and will sign up once they hear from my other customers how good they are doing following my sports/horses.
Feb 20, 2002
lol keep these threads coming buddy, Curious people are asking for pricing and will sign up once they hear from my other customers how good they are doing following my sports/horses.

Yawn. You are a proven repeat liar, so i take much of what you say in that light. Lies upon lies upon lies. Typical tout speak.

Like I always said you are a true piece of trash. Yes that's right I am exposed but guess what, again people are emailing me wanting to see for themselves and boom they sign up with me after seeing my results and emails from customers vouching for me. My horse sheet is MONEY best around. lol you posted this thread 22 minutes ago and i already got 4 emails asking for pricing and telling me that you are actually good for my business., due to this thread THANKS!

Your "horse sheet" horse shit was already addressed in the thread the OP referenced.

lol you posted this thread 22 minutes ago and i already got 4 emails asking for pricing and telling me that you are actually good for my business., due to this thread THANKS!

ATM it's unknown to me whether or not you are a long term winner or a long term loser. I doubt anyone else knows either, including yourself.

Do i recommend people not purchase your picks? That depends. If people have money they can afford to lose, want early picks, do not want to (or are unable) to go the trouble of frequently checking online forums such as TheRx for long term proven winners picks such as those i post from S, H & TSP, & are willing to take a chance on you - or one or more of many other touts who claim to be winners - then you may be their preference.

Is investing in your picks their best option? Unlikely in view of others with proven long term winning records whose picks are absolutely & always free.
Feb 20, 2002
rm122 is on a 14-0 run & 17-3 run. Documented publicly. Overall 93-93-1. On Tor under 9.5 & 3-2 in the 6th now.

Gamzover is on a 11-0 run. 1627-1605-69 overall. On Boston +105 today.

Tbombs is on a 10-0 run. 1409-1251-48 overall. Pick: St Louis +104.

BetLabs is on a 9-0 run. 180-152-3 record. Picking: Boston +107.

Snafu68 is also on a 9-0 run. Overall 1215-1120-71. Taking Baltimore over 9.

tjamy18013. 9-0. 959-931-33. LAA -126.

yellcam68. 9-0. 2137-2082-117. Baltimore over 9.

Miamilce. 9-0. 46-53-4. Texas under 9.

Player92. 14-2-1. 442-455-8. Milw -112

And many more i could post...these types of runs are "a dime a dozen" with coin flippers.


Info FYI & consideration.
Someone's opinion, FYI & consideration.
Fade or follow or neither. Your choice, your responsibility. BOL.

"Past Performance Is No Guarantee of Future Results"
"Past success is no guarantee of future success"
"Wagering on sports can be a roller coaster ride."

"Passing is not winning, but passing is always better than losing!"
“Show me someone who has never failed, and I will show you a coward.”
"I don't advise to fade or follow anything. I report & track to let you decide."

“…it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!”


Free winners and keeping the touts honest thread...exposing the touts

Free "Winners. Want to know who's winning at sports betting. Look here":

Secrets to winning at gambling:

"Won 200 units from Dec.19 thru Feb/20.":

"Responsible Gaming"..."Need help"?:

How did the posted hot streaking picks do yesterday:

Tor u 9.5: loss
Boston: loss
St Louis: loss
Balt over 9: win
LA Angels: win
Texas u 9: win
Milwaukee: win

They were 4-3 overall on Winsday. Better than a Rx poster on a hot streak who went only 1-1 yesterday for a losing day.

Overall posted hot streak picks are 5-5 in this thread.

Do i recommend you bet these picks? Hell, no. Or up to you.

I've seen no evidence that any of these picksters on hot runs have any sports gambling skill or have long term proven winning records at sports gambling. Ditto with the aforementioned Rx poster.

The fact is a person with no knowledge of sports will go on such hot runs (and cold runs) if they make enough picks. As will the typical square.

Just because a person is on a hot short term run does not mean they are worth tailing.

Contrary to some people's thinking, it's not all about what you have done for me lately. That's of no value at all.

What is of value is being a long term proven winner.
Feb 20, 2002
CFB and NFL will be mind blowing on the good side for sure.

What gives you that idea? Do you have any posted records from previous years in these sports? Didn't think so.

How did you - allegedly - do in the past in these sports? That is, if you ever bet on them at all.

There's nothing for "sure" or any locks in sports gambling, let alone guaranteed to be "mind blowing". Quit the tout speak advertising trying to dupe people in & suck out their hard earned money & get real.

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